"Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but it
is giving me that which you need more than I do." - Khalil Gibran

kidney disease and had been told by doctors that he needed a transplant urgently. He had almost given up hope of finding a matching organ until the waiter, Jose Rocasa, fifty-two, volunteered one of his own. Nishioka said, 'I didn't have long to survive and the doctors said that it was unlikely that they could find a match in time. But with a good man here and a lot of help from above, now I am alive and well.'
In the twenty-two years that Mr Nishioka had frequented the hotel, Mr Rocasa had been his waiter, and recalled that he had always been kind and affable - and had tipped generously. 'I just wanted to help him,' he said. 'For years, we have this friendship in which he comes to lunch and I do my best to make him very happy, and he is always good to me in return. So of course I say, "Don't worry - I can give you a kidney."'
Mr Nishioka sowed generousity and he reaped generousity! The Bible shows that: "We reap WHAT we sow. We reap LATER than we sow, and We reap MUCH MORE than we sow." There's no way Mr.