Tuesday, 20 December 2016


 “Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day; wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit.” - Elbert Hubbard

In 1982, "ABC Evening News" reported on an unusual work of modern art--a chair affixed to a shotgun. It was to be viewed by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel. The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undetermined moment within the next hundred years. The amazing thing was that people waited in lines to sit and stare into the shell's path! They all knew the gun could go off at point-blank range at any moment, but they were gambling that the fatal blast wouldn't happen during THEIR minute in the chair. Yes, it was foolhardy, yet many people who wouldn't dream of sitting in that chair live a lifetime gambling that they can get away with sin. Foolishly they ignore the risk until the inevitable self-destruction.

It is foolhardy to be caught sitting on the fence in our Christian walk: we do no one good by being indecisive, it is better we chose now where we want to be, than to be undecided.

Monday, 19 December 2016


“An open heart has greater power than a clenched fist.” - Matshona Dhliway

Rod Crowell writes for CBS Affiliate KDKA Channel 3, Philadelphia, reports of an unusual Christmas disturbance. Local resident Alan McCutcheon was busy putting up his Christmas lights on his home, when suddenly his ex-girlfriend, Mary Jo Smith, came barreling through his yard in her car. She made several tours through the yard screaming “Merry Christmas,” all the while Christmas carols blasted from her cranked radio through her open windows. At one point, she even took aim (thankfully, unsuccessfully) to run McCutcheon over. “She proceeded to do a pretty significant amount of damage to the outside of the residence,” Stefani Lucas with Pennsylvania State Police told CBS Pittsburgh.

Live is a combination of many things: decisions, experiences, choices and attitudes. We frequently hear of talks, seminars or even sermons about steps to success,

Friday, 16 December 2016


“We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts.” - Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Jeff Dixon said “Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!” And Melody Carlson, in Faded Denim: Colour Me Trapped says, ”Instead of thanking God for my two strong legs that are able to run and jump and climb, I whined about my "thunder thighs" and "thick" ankles. Instead of rejoicing that I have two capable arms that can lift and carry and balance my body, I complained about the flab that hung beneath them. I have been totally and unbelievably ungrateful for everything.”


God is a mighty God: nothing is impossible with Him. He can move mountains, make the sun stand still and heal the sick. In Joshua, we see how He completed the mighty task of bringing the Israelites into the Promised Land. He led Israel out of slavery into freedom: just as He’d promised. He did not want the Israelites

Thursday, 15 December 2016


Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” - Helen Keller

From Parade magazine comes the story of self-made millionaire Eugene Land, who greatly changed the lives of a sixth-grade class in East Harlem. Mr. Lang had been asked to speak to a class of 59 sixth-graders. What could he say to inspire these students, most of whom would drop out of school? He wondered how he could get these predominantly black and Puerto Rican children even to look at him. Scrapping his notes, he decided to speak to them from his heart. "Stay in school," he admonished, "and I'll help pay the college tuition for every one of you." At that moment the lives of these students changed. For the first time they had hope. Said one student, "I had something to look forward to something waiting for me. It was a golden feeling." Nearly 90 percent of that class went on to graduate from high school.

Desmond Tutu said, “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” As a drink of cold water is to the parched throat of a

Wednesday, 14 December 2016


"I think we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance." – Reuben Blades 

There is a frightening rumour about a current investment scheme making the rounds. This rumour is capable of causing serious unrest, and panic. Matter of fact, a young man has been weeping profusely as a result. He sold his family property, and invested the proceeds into the scheme expecting to make some profit before he's expected to release the proceeds to his family at Christmas. This young man is in a dilemma now because he has been told the scheme has crashed.

Out of curiosity, some people went to find out the real situation of things about this scheme. From their investigation, it was revealed that the investment scheme

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


“If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities. If you believe it won’t, you will see obstacles.” – Wayne Dyer

If you follow the Israelites’ story closely, you will find many revelations, testimonies and deep messages that we can apply to our lives today as individuals – or as a nation. The Children of Israel were a people in difficult situation in Egypt, they needed a change. Hopes had been lost. Situations looked bleak. But, from nowhere Moses shows up in the scene: he had been sent by God, to set them free. How likely was that to be true? Well, to cut the long story short Moses got them out of Egypt, yet things got worse. There were obstacles – hunger and thirst – everywhere. At some point they even thought they’d die.

Panic, uncertainty, and fear broke out. How were they to survive in the wilderness? They desired a way out of their difficult situation. It got so bad at some point they cried for meat, garlic and onions. The point in all this is, God provided. We’re told that God

Monday, 12 December 2016

Yes, YOU still can!


"Don't give up! It's not over. The universe is balanced. Every set-back bears with it the seeds of a come-back." - Steve Maraboli

Whew! It was just like yesterday when we all screamed in joy, hugged each other and danced to celebrate the New Year, 2016. Well, that year isn't so new anymore: matter of fact it's rounding off anytime soon. With the begining of 2016 came plans, desires, goals, dreams and aspirations. Soon after January 1st, that's where the rubber hit the road, and everyone soon became busy...all trying and aspiring to have their dreams fulfilled.

Well this is the end of the year, how many of those aspirations you had at the begining of the year, have you been able to achieve? Have you prayed, fasted, sown seeds, sacrificed all you know how, and even go out of your way to do

Saturday, 10 December 2016


“If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” - Mary Engelbreit

A couple married for 15 years began having more than the usual marriage disagreements. They wanted to make their marriage work and agreed on an idea the wife had. For one month, they planned to drop a slip in a "Fault" box. The boxes would provide a place to let the other know about daily irritations. The wife was diligent in her efforts and approach: "leaving the jelly top off the jar," "wet towels on the shower floor," "dirty socks not in hamper," on and on until the end of the month. After dinner, at the end of the month, they exchanged boxes. The husband reflected on what he had done wrong. Then the wife opened her box and began reading. They were all the same, the message on each slip was, “I love you!"

Henry James said “Sorrow comes in great waves…but rolls over us, and though it may almost smother us, it leaves us. And we know that if it is strong, we are stronger, inasmuch as it passes and we remain.” When it’s right, marriage can be a beautiful

Friday, 9 December 2016


“When people complain of your complexity, they fail to remember that they made fun of your simplicity.” - Michael Bassey Johnson

“Although most cockroaches don’t actually produce milk, Diploptera punctate, which is the only known cockroach to give birth to live young, has been shown to pump out a type of ‘milk’ containing protein crystals to feed its babies…what is more fascinating to researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein crystals contain more than three times the amount of energy found in an equivalent amount of buffalo milk (which is also higher in calories than dairy milk)…If you look into the protein sequences, they have all the essential amino acids," said Sanchari Banerjee, one of the team…Not only is the milk a dense source of calories and nutrients, it’s also time released. As the protein in the milk is digested, the crystal releases more protein at an equivalent rate to continue the digestion. "If you need food that is calorically high, that is time released and food that is complete. This is it," said Subramanian Ramaswamy, who led the project.” Jacinta Bowler with SCIENCE ALERT wrote.

Now the researchers have the sequence, they are hoping to get yeast to produce the crystal in much larger quantities - making it slightly more efficient than extracting
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