One of the most potent forces on earth is the power of words. We are told in the scriptures, that the worlds were framed by words. Infact, Jesus described the words he spoke, he said "the words that I speak to you they are spirits and they are life". However, I have come to discover one wasteful use of words, chief among many other wasteful uses, is the act of COMPLAINING.
A monk joined a monastery and took a vow of silence. After the first 10 years his superior called him in and asked, "Do you have anything to say?" The monk replied, "Food bad." After another 10 years the monk again
had opportunity to voice his thoughts. He said, "Bed hard." Another 10 years went by and again he was called in before his superior. When asked if he had anything to say, he responded, "I quit." "It doesn't surprise me a bit. You've done nothing but complain ever since you got here."
It takes the same amount of energy, if not more, to complain, than it takes to offer solutions. The interesting part is that the solution provider is rewarded while the complainer is avoided. Choose today which side of the divide you want to be. You can channel all your energy into generating so much heat from your complaints or to creatively proffer solutions.
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