Monday 3 February 2014


The birth of a child is generally a joyous occasion, not just because of the great satisfaction it gives to the parents, but in my opinion, what carries the greatest joy is the potential of what this child holds. The potential of greatness, a solution to a question that has confronted his family and humanity at large. If the truth be told every time God sends a child into this planet he always has a clear mission and purpose in mind. However whether they fulfil that mission or purpose is another matter entirely.

History records for us an interesting footnote. It was during the dark winter of 1864. At Petersburg, Virginia, the Confederate army of Robert E. Lee faced the Union divisions of General Ulysses S. Grant. The war was now three and a half years old and the glorious charge had long since given way to the muck and mud of trench warfare. Late one evening one of Lee’s generals, Major General George Pickett, received word that his wife had given birth to a beautiful baby boy. Up and down the line the Southerners began building huge bonfires in celebration of the event. These fires did not go unnoticed in the Northern camps and soon a nervous Grant sent out a reconnaissance patrol to see what was going on. The scouts returned with the message that Pickett had had a son and these were celebratory fires. It so happened that Grant and Pickett had been contemporaries at West Point and knew one another well, so to honor the occasion Grant, too, ordered that bonfires should be built.

What a peculiar night it was. For miles on both sides of the lines fires burned. No shots fired. No yelling back and forth. No war fought. Only light, celebrating the birth of a child. But it didn’t last forever. Soon the fires burned down and once again the darkness took over. The darkness of the night and the darkness of war.

I know of one child who truly came to put out the fires on both sides of the divide and settle the conflict between divinity and humanity. He came to bury the hatchet that sin introduced into man’s relationship with his maker. Unlike General Pickettt’s son, the peace and celebration he brings does not just last for one night, its spans into eternity. His name is Jesus Christ. Why not receive him today.

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