Saturday, 11 June 2016


"Most people give up not knowing how close they were to success." - Unknown

‘Can you see anything?’ his assistant asked as Carter’s eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness. Carter could see well enough, but he had difficulty speaking because of the dazzling array of treasure spread out before him. For more than two thousand years, tourists, grave robbers and archaeologists had searched for the burial places of Egypt’s Pharaohs. Armed with only a few scraps of evidence, British archaeologist Howard Carter began his own explorations.

After many years, Carter’s search seemed doomed to failure. Finally, Carter unlocked an ancient Egyptian tomb. No one in the modern world had ever seen anything like it.

The king’s embalmed body lay within a nest of three coffins, the inner one of solid gold, the outer ones of hammered gold covering wooden frames. On the king’s head was a magnificent golden portrait mask, and numerous pieces of jewelry lay on the body and in its wrappings.

When thoughts of 'giving up' on life creeps into your mind: because of delays, negative opinions or strong discouragement, remember why you started in the first place. Like Carter, even though it won't happen in one day, be comforted because one day it will happen. Have you held on to that relationship, job or investment but nothing to show for it's not time to give up yet, keep seeking!

Let us pray: Father, I'll keep seeking till I find, in Jesus name.

WISDOM NUGGET: Galatians 6:9
"And let us not be weary...for in due season we shall reap..." - KJV

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