What's is Faith? It's having complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Or having a strong belief in something or someone, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.
There was once a small village, which had suffered from a severe drought for a long time. Their crops were dead, the villagers and their animals were dying and they had very little water to drink. Having tried all else and nothing seemed a solution to the drought, the village head called the villagers to gather at the village square to pray to God together for rain. Scornfully, but respectfully the villagers agreed to the request; many murmuring about how that was the solution to the problem. The villagers gathered at the square as agreed on the said day. They all prayed aloud as required. Sure enough, within a few moments it began to rain. The whole was overjoyed and danced happily in the rain. The chief noticed that among the joyous crowd was a little boy, clutching an umbrella as a token of faith. The chief admired this little boy, who had brought an umbrella in total faith that the Lord would surely hear his prayers and send rain. Out of curiosity, the chief approached the boy, "why did you come with an umbrella", he asked. "My mummy just
bought me this new shirt, and I didn't want it soaked", he replied. "But it hadn't rained a very long time now" the chief said. "Why did you believe it'd rain after we prayed?" He asked further. "Simple, I prayed to God for a new shirt and my mum bought me one last night".
I don't know who it is I'm talking to, but I'm sure it's someone reading this now. You don't need to see the rain before you buy an umbrella. You don't have to see the baby, before you get the crib. Who's that young man planning a wedding, but is scared of where the funds will come from, or where the money to pay for the accommodation will come. Stop all that calculation. Look at yourself in the mirror, say to yourself, "I can do this", through Christ's help. Nothing is too difficult for him to do. Fill the pots with water, it's His job to turn them to wine. Do your part leave the rest.
Sometimes faith will make you look stupid, but the truth is that, our God confound the wise things with the foolish and stupid. People will turn their noses up at you for your faith, mock or even laugh at you in your face, but don't bother, all they that laugh at you before will laugh with you when it happens. Like Mary and Martha, just roll the stone away, and leave Him to raise Lazarus. Faith without works is dead. Nothing is impossible for one who has total faith in God.
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