Friday 14 August 2015


"You don't have to swing hard to hit a home run. If you got the timing, it'll go." - Yogi Berra

George McGovern said, "You know, sometimes, when they say you're ahead of your time, it's just a polite way of saying you have a real bad sense of timing." I have heard repeatedly people say, that time waits for no one, so much so that they say, "there's no time to say, 'no time.'" Sometimes, knowing when to jump into the jump rope of life, is what you need to succeed.

Many of us live life - expecting perfect situations before making any action move. We at those times, forget that, like a jump rope life is already in motion. Non-stop. It keeps swinging. Life will not wait, not even for a second to allow you jump in. Ironically, whether you jump in or not, it continues. If you have ever played the game of jump ropes, you will understand that any individual attempting to jump in, must be conscious and alert for the correct time to jump in, else the rope catches your feet. Then it stops.

With the 'jump rope' called life, you cannot jump in looking cute, calm and collected. You have to be aggressive, alert and ready. Life will attempt to catch your feet - just so you s
lip and fall - as you jump it. It's okay to be reserved and calm, but there are certain vitally important things you can't have in life till you get aggressive and uncouth. The devil isn't joking with stagnating your destiny: you cannot afford to waste all the time you don't have. Timing is key.

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