Monday 12 May 2014


“Don't get caught in the cross hairs of indecision for that's what kills opportunities.” - Rodger Halston


I have not seen any other factor more responsible for failure and mediocrity than indecision. I dare say, you would be a lot more successful in life if you learn and master the act of decision making. The greatest people on the planet are astute in the act of decision making. Interestingly, I can guess the question running through your mind, “what if my decisions are wrong?” It is better to make a wrong decision than to be stuck in the valley of indecision; it is really a stop in-between nowhere.

The story is told of the new president of a highly successful bank who met with his predecessor and asked, "I would like to know what have been the keys to your monumental success?" The older gentleman looked at him and replied, "Young man, I can sum it up in two words: Good decisions. 

"To which the young man responded; "I thank you immensely for that advice, sir, but how does one come to know which are the good decisions?" "One word, young man," replied the sage. "Experience." "That's all well and good," said the younger banker, "but how does one get experience?" "Two words," said the elder. "Bad decisions."
Notice that the old sage never said “indecision”, because even when a bad decision is taken it is better than indecision, it produces one of the invaluable keys to success called “experience”. Friends, you may just be one decision away from your biggest breakthrough in life, do not get stuck with indecision. Make the next move and if it's wrong, gather all the lesson you can from it, and make another decision.

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