Sunday 4 May 2014


There is an interesting story behind the statue of resurrected Christ today behind the altar in the ‘Church of Our Lady’ Cathedral in Copenhagen, Denmark. The statue made by Karl Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen in clay, a Danish sculptor of international repute. The original statue had its head held high, gazing upward towards heaven. The hands were also held high and outstretched as if to bless the whole humanity. He finished the work and went home leaving the clay to dry and harden, but during the night, a dense mist spread from the sea. A heavy rainstorm dampened the whole area. The dampness entered his studio and altered the appearance of the statue. The head that was held high, bent forwards and faced downwards. The arms raised high in a commanding gesture, now fell low and stretched forward in an inviting gesture. At first, the sculptor felt depressed as this masterpiece appeared to be damaged and ruined beyond repair by the weather. From further observation and meditation, he learned that the altered figure depicted the true image of our loving Lord. It now displayed the "Compassionate Saviour". The sympathetic arms were outstretched as if to embrace the sad and needy humanity. On the pedestal in the cathedral the words, “Come unto me” were inscribed later, based on the verse in Matthew 11:28. If one wants to see the face of Christ in the statue clearly, he must get down on his knees and look upwards. This statue has been described as the most perfect statue of Christ in the world. When Thorvaldsen unveiled this statue in the Copenhagen Cathedral 1828, it is recorded that "crowds of astonished onlookers marveled at the grandeur and sublimity of the work."

Most of the time, our seemingly original ideas that seem so perfect to us, might encounter transformations that natural "distort" our original plans. The truth is that, if we can yield to God's instructions and will, like clay He will mould us into the shape so we can conform to His perfect will for our lives; which was why He came to die in the first place.

God has not come to constrain us into bondage, but to call us into a close relationship of love, where we can come to Him with our issues, bare our burdens to Him, and be vulnerable before Him. Which is why the statue was miraculously modified (by God), to depict the true picture of His personality and intention.

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