Wednesday 8 October 2014


"As threshing separates the wheat from the chaff, so does affliction purify virtue." - Christian Nestell Bovee 

Have you ever been so pained, to the extent you ask the question, "Why me?". I like to say here, that no matter how painful your situation is, the right question to ask is, "If not me, then who?". It sounds crazy, but here's a truth. To make our gardens attractive, we cut the grass. To have a delicious meal we put ingredients through cutting, dicing and through heat. So also, for us to become THAT PERSON we're supposed to be, our refiner makes us go through; THE PURIFICATION.

The refiner continues to get rid of the impurities. Every time, with great skill and patience. He, the refiner, removes the dross, leaving behind gleaming and shimmering gold - purer and more precious than it was after the last process. To measure his progress, the refiner looks for his own reflection on the surface of the gold-filled crucible. The more dross removed, the less distorted his reflection.
Every single one of us were taken from the earth. We're impure; even though more precious than gold. The Word tells us that, our Refiner sits over the refining process to purify us. Hence, when precious metals like gold were taken from the earth they were impure and needed to be cleansed and purified. Most times to be purified, we'd have to be taken through fire and water - terrible experiences, but be assured it's not meant to kill you.

Our refiner uses water to wash away sand and gravel from our lives. And the fire, he uses to burn and melt us to purify us. God, just know, isn’t necessarily punishing us through these experiences. It's like a child's training process. We ALL have to undergo. Are you going through, a loss, heartbreak, abandonment, lack, rejection and you've become frustrated? As a child of God, I dare say it's your purification. You're coming forth as gold.

If there were no night, we would not appreciate the day, nor would we see the stars and the vastness of the heavens. We must partake of both, the bitter and the sweet. There is a divine purpose in the adversities, pains, trials and tribulations we encounter daily. They prepare, they purge, they purify, and thus they make us fit. Have you cried, prayed, lost hope, begged, and done all you know how to, but nothing seems to be changing? Just hold on still. God your refiner is nearby waiting to pull you out, at the right time.

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