Sunday 1 February 2015


"It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary." - Richard Whately 

Have you ever driven your car, and all of a sudden you start noticing irregular sounds from the engine, and you wonder, "What in the world can that be?" You wonder, because you didn't expect it to do anything else but function optimally. As a result the next thing you consider - if the sound continues - is to place a call across to your mechanic. If your car is very useful to your daily routine, then for most people taking it to their local mechanic regularly for "check-ups" isn't an option, if they don't want to wake up one morning to find it completely non-responsive. It could get to that point if it is unattended to for a long time.

Whoever thought of the invention called, vehicles must have been endowed with so much insight into the need of man, because having a functional car is a NECESSITY, not a LUXURY, and so it has to be serviced regularly so it can continue to serve diligently. Using your car only, with regularly check-ups is inadvertently calling for a dismal disappointment when you least expect it.

Like the vehicle, your spirit needs regular "check-ups". The spiritual controls the physical, so for your physical life to be in tip-top shape, visit your trusty mechanic regularly. Having toiled through the week drive in to church today for servicing: so you can be equipped for the challenges of the new week. You need your plugs cleaned, engine washed, radiator checked and oil changed. Don't neglect the maintenance of your soul, it could result in dire consequences in the long run - for yourself and family - Chinua Achebe said, "The damage done in one year can sometimes take ten or twenty years to repair."
He's waiting to fix you, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, financially etc. Just DRIVE IN today!

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