Tuesday, 22 March 2016


"When I look at a person, I see a person - not a rank, not a class, not a title." - Criss Jami

Don't Judge
Cesar Chavez said, "Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures." Everyone, irrespective of our origin or religious inclination on his own is flawed, in some way. No one of us is perfect yet. That's what the Spirit of God in the life of anyone regardless of colour, race, class or orientation. We are all 'faulty' on our own.

As Christians, we have no right to look down our noses with disdain at unsaved people. We can, and should be offended at sin, not be personally - offended for God and His holiness. If we can get it in our heads and in our hearts that when we were dead He gave us life; when we were unknowing He gave us faith; when we were enemies He came all the

way down to us to make peace; then we must realize that in ourselves we are no higher and no better than the vilest of sinners and it is God’s grace and mercy alone that separates us from the rest.

No matter how 'sinful' we think people around us are, or have become, we shouldn't make the mistake of being judgmental, but instead become the 'light' in their darkness. We should become their 'salt' to preserve and transform them, with words, backed with action by God's grace upon our lives. Rescue a lost soul today!

Let us pray: Father, help me to not be judgmental of others, in Jesus name.

"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." - KJV

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