Monday 20 July 2015


"Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with." - Thomas Carlyle

Bobbie Oskarson of Longmont, Colorado, found an 8.52 - Carat White diamond on Wednesday (June 24) at the Arkansas’s Crater of Diamonds State Park. According to park officials this is the fifth largest diamond found by a park visitor, since the state park was established at Arkansas’s diamond site in 1972. Twenty minutes into her search, Bobbie found the diamond in a couple scoops she had dug from a small mound of dirt.

Confucius said, "Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without." How mind shattering is it, that an 8.52 carat diamond, was laying just there, below the surface of dirt, junk, sand, mud: free for the taking! I'm talking about a DIAMOND here. Why would something of value be hid, in something of absolutely no value - dirt. Something we actually spit and trample on, without any iota of respect or regard.

Bobbie had to dig, to discover her diamond, it wasn't lying just there on the surface. In the same way, to expose the treasure you are, God will have to dig you out through adversity. According to Carlyle, your adversity is the dust heaven has chosen to polish you with. God has made you a treasure. Yes, the dirt of your trials might be covering your glory now, but a digging is all it takes to unravel it. That's why you are being attacked, frustrated and despised. That pain, illness, failure, heartbreak and depression isn't meant to kill you, but to unravel you. You're diamond in the dirt.

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