Across board, more women chose to walk through the door marked "Average." In fact, a mind shattering 96%. While only a paltry 4% chose the "Beautiful" door. Some women genuinely believed they were unqualified to walk through the "Beautiful" door. In fact, one woman from China said, "Beautiful, to me, is too far out of reach."
Isn't this heart wrenching? Most of us are unaware, how our opinion of ourselves tarnish or boosts our self esteem. The truth is, no matter how beautiful you are - physically or in attitude - if you don't acknowledge yourself no one else will. One woman nailed it, "I choose beautiful because if I don’t think it myself, no
one else will." Spot on.
Dove is onto something here. All women are intrinsically beautiful. Sadly, most are hesitant to embrace this truth. As children of God, we are ALL intrinsically beautiful in our own way. Feeling valued is a choice the cross of Christ empowers us to make everyday. God wants you to embrace your true beauty - own it. Not the outward beauty of personal appearance, but the inner beauty of a heart and soul redeemed and perfected by the perfect love of a perfect God. As an individual, how do you categorize yourself?
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