Monday 21 October 2013


"There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort." - Jane Austen

Without doubt God is a masterful designer, His intricate plan of the Universe even to the tiniest detail is a wonder, but in my opinion I think the family unit is one of His greatest inventions. The family, you will discover is a marvel, when closely examined as we will attempt to do in this series. The bounding cords between her members are stronger and more intricate than any form of molecular bond known to science, the roles and functions of her members are multifarious and simultaneously as specific as they can be. Little wonder the devil is in a major onslaught against the family unit, trying to redefine what a family is, messing up the roles and purposes of a family, simply because he knows that every family unit is a great weapon in the hands of God. God always places a trait, a unique character, a gift in the line of every family, something designed to foil the devils agenda and improve society, whether the family realizes or fulfills this mandate or not is another matter.

At the annual family-reunion picnic, a young bride led her husband to be over to an old woman busily crocheting in a rocker. "Granny," she said, touching the old woman's hand affectionately, "this is my husband to be." The woman eyed him critically for a long moment, and then asked abruptly, "Do you desire children?" Startled by her bluntness, the young man blushed and stammered, "Well-uh-yes, I do very much." "Well," she said, looking scornfully at the large tribe gathered around the six picnic tables, "try to control the numbers it runs in the blood!"

Rudyard Kipling once wrote about families, "all of us are we--and everyone else is they." A family shares things like dreams, hopes, possessions, memories, smiles, frowns, and gladness...A family is a clan held together with the glue of love and the cement of mutual respect. A family is shelter from the storm, a friendly port when the waves of life become too wild. No person is ever alone who is a member of a family.

Regardless of your family history, God has made an investment in your family a deposit of grace designed to impact the world, it runs in your blood, discover, develop and deploy it.

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