Saturday 5 July 2014


"I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific." - Lily Tomlin

A young man was telling a story in a book about how for months he prayed to God asking for a bicycle and a desk. Discouraged and in tears one night, this kid sought his God to question Him "Why are you forgetting me? I've been praying ever so diligently" God responded; "You've asked for nothing, I have no idea what bicycle you want, there are thousands of varieties...and the desk? How big? What colour? Do you want a chair too?" The boy stirred up his faith and his Design Cap and captured his dream bike and desk on paper. He wanted an American bike (was from Asia) and a desk made of Philippine mahogany. After some time in thought, he went back to sleep. A few months later he had the exact bicycle and the desk he longed for.

Have you ever entered any shop but you didn't have an exact idea of what you wanted. how long did it take before you were attended to? You get what you want quicker, when you have specifics. What do you want? Looking for a spouse? Have you clearly written down exactly what qualities he/she should posses? What they look like, sound like, do for a living? Whatever.

How about your dream business or clientele? What kind of customers do you want? Do you want ones that will just come in to increase the "foot traffic" for statistical purposes, or you want those that will clear up every item on your shelves? Being specific, WORKS! It does work for everything! Do you want a new accommodation? How many bedrooms should it have? What part of town should it be in; (what street even), when do you want it? Next week? When next week? Monday? What time on Monday?

Once things are clearly defined you realize that it'll be easier and quicker receiving them. You have to set your sights on accepting them into your life. Have you heard, "Ask and you shall receive,"? but do you remember the part where you have to "Seek and you shall find."? After you've asked specifically, go ahead to "SEEK". Seek the information. Seek the prospects, job, relationship etc. To seek is to act. Be specific today!

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