Wednesday 27 August 2014


"A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money." - John Ruskin 

Sure money is a specially useful "piece of paper" to have lots of. A whole lot of it; if I may add. But no matter how many shelves or bank accounts of it that one has, or acquires there are certain things that it can't and won't do. Before we consider what it isn't, let me first state that, money, can get you a lot of beautiful things - make no mistake about it. I tell you. I'm not averse to acquiring lots of money, or the attendant goodies that comes with it, not at all, but I have come to realize that most of life's greatest gifts aren't those called "money".

He'd lost his job, he was homeless, his bank accounts were in the red, as a matter of fact you could describe him as a broke, busted and worse than

disgusted guy. It was his birthday, and because of what he was going through. No money, no job, no house, nothing, he wanted to just stay at home, sleep all day and not step out of the house. So, he slept till late noon on his birthday, then he got a call asking him to meet at a friends house. Reluctantly he dressed up and went. He wished he could just get his fiancee a gift for her support, but he didn't have much. It turned out that unknown to him, a couple of friends he didn't even know he had had come together, with his fiancee's help and organized a party for him. With gifts, drinks, food, and most importantly love everywhere. It turned out, it was the best birthday surprise he'd had all his life. At night he went home grinning and overjoyed, he realized again that he might not have had all the money in the world, but he was sure all the money in the world couldn't have gotten him all that love he experienced. For a split second, he was grateful for friendship, love and good will; these are greatly priceless gifts that money can't buy.

What about you today? Do you desire so much out of life but think you're getting nothing at all? A friend said, "I deserve everything I ask for, because I've been through everything I didn't ask for". It doesn't matter how broke, busted or disgusted you are, in your pursuit of wealth and social status, learn to identify things money can't buy or give. Those are things that have been freely given, so even when you can't afford them, you'll still be able to enjoy them. Appreciate those who love and take time out of their very hectic schedules to love you - they are priceless.

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