Monday 25 August 2014


“Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” - B. Franklin

As we continue our series on money, this morning allow me X-Ray a state no one wants to be in; it's called, Poverty - Especially one that is characterized by the lack of money. I am sure you're asking the question what other types of poverty are there, if it’s not the lack of money?

Well, truth be told, the lack of money is actually a manifestation of poverty and not really the state of it, because being poor is actually a mindset that eventually begins to show outwardly in your financial life. In-fact there may be some people around you that are poor, but presently have some cash to throw around and some other folks that are rich but presently seem to have no cash, time will tell. Allow me share some characteristics of poor people with you.

The first is that I have noticed that POOR (Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly) people VALUE liabilities more than assets. The story is told of a store keeper

in Maine who refused to buy a salesman's wares. After several hours of the best marketing lines and persuasive skills, the salesman who had a reputation of been able to sell ice to an Eskimo gave up his attempt, and just before he walked away the store keeper replied;

“You must remember, young fellow," he said, "that in this part of the country every want ain't a need”.

One of the traits that I have noticed in people with a POOR mindset is the inability to distinguish between NEEDS and WANTS. If you must reach the pinnacle of financial freedom and make money a servant to your dreams and goals, you must acquire the vital skill that this store keeper had understood, that every WANT ain’t a NEED. Friends I beg you to examine your expenditure patterns today and find out where your value lies, does it tend towards liabilities or assets?

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