Monday, 23 March 2015


"Angels are direct creations of God, each one a unique masterpiece." - Eileen Elias

Mel Gibson was asked some years ago about certain difficult situations he faced, during the making of his movie, "The Passion of the Christ," to which he said something like this: "Something" doesn't want this to happen." He obviously seemed to be alluding to spiritual forces in the affairs of men on earth. According to Selwyn Duke, "of course, any talk of spirits not confined to the local liquor store is now often considered the stuff of children and the insane. Within the context of most people's world view, belief in angels is anything but fanciful - it is a piece that fits seamlessly into the foundational Western faith puzzle." Truth is, whether you believe it or not, angels are real, and we'll be looking at this topic for the next couples of days.

James Collins, wrote in The Thomistic Philosophy of the Angels that: "The unity of the source of all being and the analogical similarity of all things guarantee that a knowledge of each grade will shed some further light upon what is below and what is above it, in the hierarchy of reality. For the better understanding of God and the creative process, we can turn to that order of being which provides the most intimate created similitude of the first intelligent and free Agent."

What almost everyone agrees upon is that, if angels exist they are helpful supernatural entities there to shield us from harm. See how Courtney Allison Moulton puts it, after an encounter with an angelic being:
"Courtney, you need to understand," he said softly. "I exist only to serve you and fight by your side. Whether that fighting is to preserve your life or to make sure you smile, that is what I am built to do. You're all I have, and I will watch over you forever." It was Eilen Elias that said, "Whether we are filled with joy or grief, our angels are close to us, speaking to our hearts of God’s love."

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