Sunday 15 November 2015


"The first time I walked on a stage, I knew that was what I was created to do..." - T.D Jakes 

We have established that, your area of calling is your habitat. No one should walk through life, without purpose, or an understanding of what you're called to do, or the HOW that you should go about. "Christians without goals," one writer said, "are a little like Alice in, Alice in Wonderland. In a conversation between her and the Cheshire Cat, Alice asked, ‘Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?’ ‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the cat. ‘I don't much care where,’ said Alice. ‘Then it doesn't matter which way you go,’ said the cat."

Mark Twain wrote, "A myriad of men are born; they labour and sweat and struggle...they

squabble and scold and fight; they scramble for little mean advantages over each other; age creeps upon them; infirmities follow...those they love are taken from them, and the joy of life is turned to aching grief. It (the release) comes at last--the only un-poisoned gift earth ever had for them--and they vanish from a world where they were of no consequence...a world which will lament them a day and forget them forever."

A life not headed in the direction of its purpose, is a wasted one. It was Charles Swindoll that said "When you have a sense of calling, whether it's to be a musician, soloist, artist, in one of the technical fields, or a plumber, there is something deep and enriching when you realize it isn't just a casual choice, it's a divine calling. It's not limited to vocational Christian service by any means."

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