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Goal Setting II |
In the United States, a worker was hired to tap the edges of the car door with a rubber mallet to make sure that they fit perfectly. The Japanese assembly line, however, had no such worker or machine to ensure that the door fit. Puzzled, the American executives asked the nearest Japanese worker how they made sure that the doors fit perfectly. The man replied, "We make sure it fits when we design it." Not only was the Japanese process more efficient, but Japanese car doors last longer and are more structurally sound in accidents compared to American doors. Why? Simple. "The Japanese engineered the outcome they wanted from the beginning of the process."
The truth is, you have the right to determine what the ultimate outcome of your 2015 will be at this beginning stage. Polybius asserts simply "In all things that you do, consider the end." Paul said, "…I do not box as one beating the air…" Seneca drives the point home when he said "Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind." You owe yourself a duty to put your thoughts together this year: on a stream of consciousness. Make up your mind to leave your life this year on target.
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