Saturday 21 December 2013


"By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination." - Christopher Columbus

You ever heard of the aphorism, "If you don't live for something, you will die for anything."? Anyway, our beliefs - dreams that is - are capable of either bringing us to "followers" or "destroyers" of our dream. Those who'll help us fulfill or destroy them. It's up to us to decide who is what.

One day, in the year 1484, a tall, strongly built man of commanding presence stood before the King of Portugal at the Court of Lisbon. Portuguese sailors had already passed the equator, but the Cape was yet shrouded in mystery. The king could not read those keen blue-grey eyes, kindling with eager interest, as the Italian unfolded his wonderful plan. "Sail to the West and the East will be found." Such words seemed at first the words of a madman. Columbus explained his idea to the king; told him of the long years he had worked at his scheme, how sure he felt that there was a shorter way to the East, than by Africa. THE WORLD WAS SURELY ROUND. If Asia could be reached by sailing east, surely it could be reached by going west.
The king listened with interest, and referred the plan to some of his learned men. They called Columbus a dreamer, and scoffed at his dreams. They persuaded the king to an ungenerous act. They got from Columbus the plans of his proposed voyage, and while they kept him in suspense awaiting the king's decision, they dispatched some ships off privately to investigate the matter. Away sailed the ships to the Cape Verde Islands. But the weather grew stormy, the pilots trembled at the sight of an unlimited waste of wild tumbling waves, and, losing heart, they returned to tell the king of their failure. When Columbus heard of this injustice he straightway left Portugal. One day, says an old story, a stranger walked up to the gate of an ancient monastery. The stranger, who was leading a small child, stopped to ask for bread and water, for the boy was hungry. It was Christopher Columbus and little Diego - his son - they were taken in and fed, and the friar of the monastery was much struck with the grand ideas put forth by this stranger within his gates. He strongly advised him to go to the Spanish Court, where he would find a king and queen who would certainly listen to his plans. Columbus could get no one to listen to his great scheme. Weeks and months, even years, went by, and the Spanish monarchs could spare no time to give audience to the future DISCOVERER of AMERICA. It was not till the end of the year 1491 that he was summoned to the king and queen; here was the great chance for which he had so longed. But though poor, Columbus was proud; he believed in his plan, and he demanded great things. His demands were laughed at, and he was dismissed by the Spanish Court. Mounting his mule, Columbus rode sadly away. Once more he had failed. But his friends could not bear to see him treated thus. They approached Queen Isabella. They made her believe in Columbus dreams so much that she pledged her jewels to raise the necessary funds. Columbus, was brought back to the queen, and all was settled for the great voyage.

Christopher Columbus was fraught with unpleasant, discouraging opinions capable of distracting him; but he had friends who believed in him enough to stick their necks out for him. More important to know is that he believed in himself and his dream. No one else can be bold enough to indeed fulfill your dreams but. Against all hope you must believe and press forward.

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