Saturday 14 December 2013


“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” - John Holmes

I have come to discover that dreams or visions generally just don’t die on their own or become reality simply because it is a good vision. There is one major factor that contributes or should I say determines the success of the dream, they are the people tied to that dream. We must understand that every dream has partners, people that have been called to help the fulfillment of the dream. Your dream can either fizzle into nothingness or blossom to success depending on the people around it, either dream helpers or dream terminators.

When Jan Paderewski was to leave his native Poland to fulfill his dream of becoming a world renown pianist, before his first recital in London, he asked an influential compatriot to give him a letter of introduction to a leading figure in Britain's musical world, who might be of assistance should anything go amiss. The letter was handed to him in a sealed envelope. He hoped that everything would proceed smoothly and he would not have to use it.
Thank God He did not need to use the letter; his debut was a success and no snags developed. Some years later, while going through his papers, he came upon the letter and opened it. It read: "This will introduce Jan Paderewski, who plays the piano, for which he demonstrates no conspicuous talent."
What a letter of help!! The truth is that all of us will require help and partners on the road to fulfilling our dreams; my prayer is that we will be able to perceive and distinguish dream helpers from dream terminators, antagonist from protagonist. As we continue the series we will examine indicators that can tell us the difference between these two classes of people that can either make or mare our visions. The reverse is also true, “the vision will perish where there are no people”

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