Tuesday 17 December 2013


“Let the man who says it cannot be done not disturb the man doing it." - Chinese Proverb

Two categories of people with will have a profound effect or your dream or vision, they could be the deciding factor as to whether your dreams become reality or not. They are categorized as optimist or pessimist, on the road to fulfilling your dream you must keep a keen eye out for these people.

Two boys - twins - one an incurable optimist and the other a pessimist; whose parents were worried about their behaviour and attitude. So took the boys in to see a psychologist. The psychologist observed them a while and then said that they could be easily helped.

He said that they had a room filled with all the toys a boy could want. They would put the pessimist in that room and allow him to enjoy life. They also had another room that they filled with horse manure. They put the optimist in that room. They observed both boys through one way mirrors. The pessimist continued to be a pessimist, stating that he had no one to play with. They went to look in on the optimist, and were astounded to find him digging through the manure. The psychologist ran into the room and asked what on earth the boy was doing. He replied that with all that manure, he was sure there had to be a pony in the room somewhere.
To achieve your dreams you need people, like the optimistic twin, that will see or search for a pony even in the midst of a dunghill. These are dream activators - your path will cross with many of them as you pursue your dreams...just be a little more optimistic!

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