Sunday 28 September 2014


"You can preach a better sermon with your life than with your lips" - Oliver Goldsmith

Once upon a time, there lived a very rich snob who planned a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He met with the bishop to discuss his plans. He said, "My greatest ambition is to reach the top of Mount Sinai. Standing there, I will proclaim aloud the 'Ten Commandments of God' to the whole world with all my strength." The Bishop advised him, "In my opinion, it would be more rewarding if you can practice the commandments at home, with your family, at work, in your neighbourhood and even in the market place; instead of shouting from the mountain top."

We're told in the scriptures, (2 Corinthians 5:20) that, "we're God's representatives on earth." A representative, lives in a different environment from his boss or master (in most cases). His duty is to stand in for his boss . The representative is expected to know his master's business, and thus be able to correctly represent him.

In this life, we're representatives, or ambassadors of our Lord Jesus Christ (as born again children of God). Our lives are supposed to reflect His character, essence, personality and mindset. We're to preach the gospel everywhere we go; not verbally only, but by our actions - let others see Jesus in you, keep telling the story be faithful and true. By all means let others see Jesus in you.

Thank God for another Sunday. Keep in mind the need to be examples; to your children, and family. Charity begins at home. Today, isn't the day to recline with the remote, flipping through channels for a good program to watch, get up, locate a good place of worship and join in. Get energized, reformed, encouraged and recharged for the task ahead, by one Word from God tailor made for you today. This is a new week!

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