Wednesday 24 September 2014


"We all face storms in life. Some are more difficult than others, but we all go through trials and tribulations. That's why we have the gift of faith." - Joyce Meyer

Refining is a process that rids impure gold of impurities, leaving behind only pure gold. The process has gold become liquid so all "Dross" can be drawn out. Dross is a mass of solid impurities floating on molten gold or dispersed in it, after it's out of the furnace; still in the crucible.
The dictionary defines "Dross" as impurities. It's scum, waste or foreign matter. Something that is base, trivial, or inferior. In an attempt to refine gold, having broken, and taken the impure gold through the heat of the furnace, the refiner moves to the next step; THE DROSS.

The refiner places the crucible in the heated furnace to remove dross. As the ore melts in the crucible under the watchful eye of the refiner, a layer of impurity called “dross” eventually forms on the surface. If you observe a refiner at work, you'll notice that he sits with his eyes steadily fixed on the furnace. If the time necessary for the refining process exceeds, the gold is injured. The process is complete when he (the refiner) sees his image reflected in the gold.

In the same way, our refiner, God, puts us into the crucible and into the furnace to purify us. His eyes affixed on us, never blinking, watching till every dross is separated. He doesn't take us out of the heat until He sees His face reflected in us; till we become like Him. He doesn't see his reflection if He stops the heat too soon, so he waits patiently for the right time.
To us as humans, the heat can be in the form of delays, disappointments, heartbreaks, financial difficulties and maybe illnesses - unbearable circumstances, that can make us cry in pain sometimes. But He allows it all for a purpose. So, you ask; "how do I hang on in the midst of these unending trials, especially when the heat is beyond what I think I can bear? My answer, "Persevere by looking into the eyes of the refiner. The one holding you over the fire; He knows when to make it stop". Trust in His perfect plan, surrendering your will to His.

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