Tuesday 2 September 2014


"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

"When I arrived home, I kicked off my shoes, sat on the sofa and took a deep breath. What a day! What a week! What a year! Come to think of it, what a lifetime! Depression had again crept up, coming down upon me so heavily; it was as if the dark cloud of failure above me was devouring the little serenity I had left. The heaviness in my heart opened the door to deeper feelings of hopelessness and despair, if that was even possible. I felt like one of the children of Israelite, trapped in the wilderness, never to see the promised land. Right now, I am ready to give up...to call it quits! Life is just too hard to deal with. The world is so ugly I just can’t bear to live another miserable day in my miserable existence! What is the point of living anyway...what is my purpose in this life and besides, does anyone care? Does God?"

Does the illustration above describe you? Listen to this. Sometimes, life knocks us up and beats us down so hard, we almost lose our faith. It get's so bad sometimes, you feel life's just all a dream; a bad one you want to quickly wake up from. Truth is sometimes you feel like God has turned His back on you; or you wonder if He really does exist and you begin to ask questions. Questions that arise based on the enormity and magnitude of you issues.

It's normal to feel alone, abandoned or forgotten sometimes; it shows you're still alive and that you're somehow making an impact, else you won't have as much issues. My focus this morning isn't in the magnitude of your many problems, but in the "Mightiness" of your God, who's walking with you on this journey, holding your hand as you go through. He's near, and watching you through the storm. He's said so, he cannot lie. Never forget that.

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