Tuesday 19 May 2015


"True love is selfless. It is prepared to sacrifice." - Sadhu Vaswani

For the Married Only
I read this story from, a devotional on 'YouVersion' bible app; it's striking:
While serving aboard a gunboat in Vietnam, Dave Roever was holding a phosphorus grenade some six inches from his face when a sniper’s bullet ignited the explosive. The first time he saw himself after the explosion, he says he saw a monster, not a human being. "I was alone in the way the souls in hell must feel alone," he wrote. When he returned to the states, he feared how his young bride, Brenda, would react. He had just watched a wife tell another burn victim that she wanted a divorce. But when Brenda walked in, she kissed him on what was left of his face, smiled, and said, "Welcome home, Davey! I love you."

Ellen G. White said, "True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding."
This to me, is what marriage is about. It is another person being committed enough to you to accept you, with scars and all. It is two people working together to heal their deepest wounds. No matter how dis-figuring - physical, mental or psychological - that wound might be. The failure rate of marriages today really bothers me. It seems as though no one is willing to look beyond their mate's flaws anymore.

True love isn't a fairy tale, happily ever after. It is work, decision to stay, more work, and some sprinkling of sacrifices here and there. It doesn't matter how handsome, or beautiful you are, there are others a billion times more handsome or more beautiful than yourself. So, if you think of leaving your mate for whatever reason, ask yourself: "How will I feel, if my mate were leaving me?" I'm not assuming it will be all rosy, but I'm saying it is worth it staying back in the end.

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