Thursday 11 June 2015


"The Christian life is the life of the Lord Jesus Christ lived nineteen hundred years ago, lived now by Him in you!" - Ian W. Thomas

Heron Alexandrinus, otherwise known as the Hero of Alexandria, was a First Century Greek Mathematician, and engineer who is known as the first inventor of the steam engine. His steam powered device was called the aeolipile, named after Aiolos, God of the winds. The aeolipile consisted of a sphere positioned in such a way that it could rotate around its axis. Nozzles opposite each other would expel steam and both of the nozzles would generate a combined thrust resulting in torque, causing the sphere to spin around its axis. The rotation force sped up the sphere, to the point where the resistance from traction and air brought it to a stable rotation speed. The steam was created by boiling water under the sphere – the boiler was connected to the rotating sphere, through a pair of pipes that at the same time served as pivots for the sphere. The replica of Heron’s machine could rotate at 1,500 rounds per minute with a very low pressure of 1.8 pounds per square inch. The remarkable device was forgotten and never used properly until 1577, when the steam engine was 're-invented' by the philosopher, astronomer and engineer, Taqu al-Din. New "discoveries" are most often just, rediscoveries.

At some point in our life's journey, we come to realize how inadequate we are, to deal with all that life throws at us. We realize, the things we fought so hard to attain or achieve, simply do not satisfy our desires or meet our expectations. We also realize that, we cannot fill the lingering void in our hearts, by ourselves. While the pursuit, of pleasure, money, power, and other things may satisfy us temporarily, we ultimately find that the emptiness within always resurfaces. It's at this point we discover, this void, can only be filled by the One who placed it there. This is truly the greatest discovery of all time.

You can receive Jesus Christ right now: no matter your location, personality or past mistakes. This is a great discovery. There might not be an exact word to pray. Just, simply believe and say, "Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, I need Your forgiveness. I believe You died for me and I now invite You to come into my heart, and be my LORD. I want to trust, and follow You alone as my Lord and saviour, in Jesus' name.

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