Sunday 23 June 2013

13 Reasons To Be Grateful

Wisdom Nuggets: "The world has enough beautiful mountains and meadows, spectacular skies and serene lakes.  It has enough lush forests, flowered fields and sandy beaches.  It has plenty of stars and the promise of a new sunrise and sunset every day.  What the world needs more of is people to appreciate and enjoy it."
                                                                                               - Michael Josephson

Source: Photo Pin
Rick Foster and Greg Hicks set out on a three-year journey to study extremely happy people. In their book How we Choose to be Happy, they found that there are 9 choices happy people make. One of those nine is to practice appreciation - being grateful.

Happy people actively exercise gratitude and choose to live with an attitude of gratitude. They don't buy into what geneticists say, that we have an unmovable "happiness set-point." The happiest people, according to behaviourists, can move beyond that biological set point through a lot of practices, prominent of which is gratitude meditation. In fact, many studies suggest that gratitude can bring a positive mind-set.

A story is told of two 'stupid' friends set out on a journey, in the desert; a quest to discover some treasure. In the scorching heat of the desert they trudged for days hoping to find the treasure. The longer they walked the hotter the sun got. After walking for a few more days, famished, dehydrated and thirsty they couldn't take the heat any more. "Let's just die here instead that seems to be the only option available for us right now"  suggested one of them. "if only there were a shade to shield us from the heat of this stupid sun" quipped the other. "Look" Screamed the first, pointing towards a large oak tree, "Yes, we can hide in its shade, while we catch our breath" With the last ounce of strength they got to the tree, and hurled themselves under the coolness of the tree's shade. After a while the first looking up at the branches of the tree says, "who planted this useless and stupid tree? It doesn't even have a single fruit on it", "I agree" added the other, "the stupid people who planted it should have dug a stupid well near it" Who is stupid here?

Neale Donald Walsch said, "The struggle ends when the gratitude begins" and Gerald Good points out that "If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily" I guess Thomas Fuller knew these men which was why he said, "Gratitude is the least of the virtues, but ingratitude is the worst of vices"

Majority, of us today are like these two ungrateful friends. Which is why it seems like our blessings are locked up somewhere. Our lives could be more peaceful, healthy, interesting or productive if only we can develop an attitude of gratitude, as Marianne Williamson says "Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings"

From our previous discussions on this subject matter, we've seen how that science has proved that being grateful;
1. Makes us happier
2. Makes people like us
3. Boosts our career
4. Gratitude increases your goal achievement.
5. Gratitude strengthens our emotions.
6. Gratitude develops our personality.
7. Gratitude makes us more optimistic.
8. Gratitude reduces materialism.
9.Gratitude makes us less self-centered.
10. Gratitude increases self-esteem.
11. Gratitude improves your sleep.
12. Gratitude keeps you away from the doctor.
13. Gratitude increases your goal achievement.

The list is almost inexhaustible. Gratitude does more for is than we have ever made the leper whole, it multiplied 5 loaves and two fishes, saved Winston Churchill and opens doors. I ask again, "wouldn't you rather be grateful?"

Wisdom Nugget:

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