Sunday 30 June 2013

He Who Laughs, Lasts

Wisdom Nugget: “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” - Mark Twain

Laughter is a convulsive physiological response to psychological stimuli, such as humorous material, or physical stimuli, such as tickling. The sudden release of tension during laughter causes a decrease in skeletal muscle tone, literally rendering the body “weak with laughter.” The diaphragm contracts and relaxes rapidly, often leading to hiccups or coughing. Some people double over and shake uncontrollably as though they were having seizures (“a fit of laughter”).
Scientists have been studying the effect of laughter on human beings, and have found, among other things, that laughter has a profound and instantaneous effect on virtually every important organ in the human body.

Laughter reduces health-sapping tensions and relaxes the tissues as well as exercising the most vital organs. Laughter, even when forced, results in a beneficial effect on us, both mentally and physically. Physicians have noted that laughter acts as an anesthetic by distracting the patient’s attention from pain - by reducing tension, by changing the patient’s expectations and by increasing the patient’s production of endorphins, which are natural painkillers (Peter and Dana, pp. 7-9).

Psychologists note that clowns and their regressive form of humor can coax people out of a state of withdrawal (Moody, pp. 27, 111-15).

Next time you feel nervous and jittery, indulge in a good laugh. Laughter is the best medicine for a long and happy life. He who laughs lasts.
It is said that Dr. Theodore Cuyler and Mr. Spurgeon were once out in the fields enjoying God's sunshine and the beauties of nature. Dr. Cuyler told a story at which Mr. Spurgeon laughed until his sides shook. Suddenly Mr. Spurgeon said, "Theodore, let's get down on our knees and thank God for laughter." And these two happy Christian preachers knelt in the field and thanked God for His great gift of laughter.
Martin Luther wrote "If you're not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there".

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