Saturday 29 June 2013

You Don't Have Anything To Lose - Dare To Laugh

Wisdom Nugget: "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones”

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.”
― Charles Dickens,

One Nigerian proverb says "When the mouse laughs at the cat there's a hole nearby." And a German proverb says "He who tickles himself may laugh when he pleases." Brothers and sisters, laughter is a choice but before you choose remember what Ella Wheeler Wilcox said, "Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone." I have discovered that humour can be found in just about every situation. We just need to stop and think, and just take a good look around us and we can always find reasons to share joy.

Laughter is saying, "I'm okay, you're okay" It's a way we can accept what we can't change. Laughter can be the driving force to make life alive again. Laughter is low-calorie, caffeine-free, no-salt, no preservatives or additives, 100% natural, and one-size-fits-all.

Laughter is truly God's gift. You can get high on laughter but never overdose.

Laughter is contagious. Once it starts, little can be done to stop it. Laughter never felt bad, committed a crime, started a war or broke a relationship.

Laughter is shared by the giver and the receiver. Laughter costs nothing, and it's non-taxable.

Laughter is a trend setter. If we found ways to laugh first thing in the morning, it may, in fact, set the trend for the rest of the day.

One of the most constructive uses of laughter is when we laugh at ourselves. If we can laugh at ourselves, we leave little room for others to laugh at us. In William Barclay's daily devotional "Daily Celebration", appears this little story: "There was a little Indian girl at school today," announced my son proudly. "Does she speak English?" I asked. "No," came the quick reply, "but it doesn't matter because she laughs in English!"

Laughter is the universal language. You can laugh in any language and it will be understood. Keep laughing! If you can laugh at it, you can live with it.

Laughter is to life what salt is to an egg. Laughter is the cheapest luxury man has. It stirs up the blood, expands the chest, electrifies the nerves, clears away the cobwebs from the brain, and gives the whole system a cleaning rehabilitation.

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