Monday 17 June 2013


Wisdom Nugget: "Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts."
                                                                                           - Henri Frederic Amiel
Source: Photo Pin

Gratitude has many "Benefits"; you'll be amazed at the benefits you stand to gain from being grateful. I assure you it'll blow your mind to pieces. Hang on!

The dictionary defines gratitude as "the quality of being thankful; or readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness". There's an old saying that "if you've forgotten the language of gratitude, you'll never be on speaking terms with happiness." It turns out this isn't just a "cliche" but a fact, as we shall soon find out (in this series).

Hear Henry Van Dyke, "gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse"

Thankfulness feels good, it's good for you, and it's a blessing for the people around you, too. It's such a win-win situation that I'd say we have cause for gratitude; it gives a higher happiness set-point. Its mind-boggling to know that showing gratitude doesn't only affect our relationship with those from whom we've received favour sometime, but also, other aspects of our daily life. Beloved, if you seek more happiness, better health, deeper relationships, or increased productivity, then make showing gratitude a part of your daily lifestyle.

Make a point to tap into your invisible world (your mind) through gratitude practice. Many studies suggest that gratitude can bring a positive mindset. This means that by learning to practice active gratitude, we can actually raise our "happiness set-point," regardless of the situation. In five words - gratitude triggers positive feedback loops. Remember, our story about Winston Churchill, Farmer Flemming and the Penicillin a few days ago? That's a perfect example of gratitude running in comes back to you.

Here's a list of (some of the many) benefits of gratitude...these results were arrived at from Scientific experiments and tests. Gratitude gives you...
1. a more connected feeling (less lonely)
2. stronger immune system
3. an improved emotional equilibrium
4. better sleep
5. increased energy
6. more confidence in yourself
7. deeper relaxation
8. more physical attractiveness
9. increased creativity
10. an ability to find it easier to bounce back from difficulty.

We are advised to "give thanks in all things".

"I wish above all things that thou mayest PROSPER and BE IN HEALTH, even as thy soul prospereth." Looking closely at the benefits of gratitude listed about, you'll find them all embedded in the aforementioned quotes
Have a fantastic day ahead!

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