Wednesday 27 March 2013

21 Days of Strictly Truth-telling. Are You Game?

Wisdom Nugget: "A man who bears false witness against his neighbor is like a war club, or a sword, or a sharp arrow." 

Imagine a world without lies. Imagine everyone told the truth and no one had the ability to tell a lie. Wouldn't half of the world's problems be gone; if not all?

Imagine a salesperson selling products to you without telling a bit of a lie. Imagine politicians telling us plainly the way things are and sparing us a weave of lies. Imagine companies advertising the real quality of their products and services? Imagine the news giving us all the details without filtering or adjusting it to suit 'political interests', wouldn't the world be a better place? Do you still think there'll be corruption? But alas, almost all of us are guilty of lying at some point in our lives, irrespective of the fact that we claim to have lied for a 'good cause'.The truth is, a lie is a lie, irrespective of your reason for telling  it. Herbert said, "Dare to be true: nothing can need a lie: A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby."
Today, lies are a part of our daily lives.

Mr. Ben executes a contract for "Jay & Jay Enterprises", and submits his quota to the company and he's told "the cheque will be in the mail tomorrow", one month later, Mr. Ben hasn't gotten any mail. Brenda runs into an old friend at the mall but is in a hurry. She is 30 minutes late in picking up her children from school so she takes her old friend's business card and says "I'll call you tomorrow". Brenda walks out of the mall and drops the business card in the nearest bin. Stephanie goes to apply for a job in a company and the secretary to the managing director says "we're not recruiting right now but give me your resume; I'll pass it to my boss and who knows he might have a position for you?" Stephanie leaves her resume with the secretary. Three months later the resume is still on the secretary's desk gathering dust. Ada gets dumped by Femi, two weeks later; she gets a wedding card from him. When she confronts him, he says "No I wasn't dating her when I was with you". Really? So, he's marrying her two weeks after he met her? You walk into a boutique to buy a dress and on the label it's written "one size fits all". Ten minutes later you're in the changing room with the attendant struggling to pull the dress down your torso. So who is "all" referring to? Chloe is lying on the dentist's table, the dentist looks into her eyes and says :"open wide it won't hurt a bit" thirty minutes later Chloe works out from the dentist's with red eyes and a tight throat from screaming in pain. Brad was supposed to meet John by 2pm; by 1:55 he's still at ha ome trying to get dressed. John calls and Brad says "I'm in a cab, almost at the venue of the meeting". Since when is a house movable? A sales representative approaches you and says "please sir, can I have one minute of your time". You generously give a listening ear and ten minutes later the guy is still talking. Most of these lies are a few of the many we tell everyday. Some of these lies are told inadvertently because it has become a habit. Some even call it a necessity. Since when is a lie necessity? On no account should you twist the truth.

"You shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another." Make up your mind today to stop dealing falsely or lying to one another. P

ractice 21 days of telling the truth and nothing but the truth and you'll see it becoming a part of you.

Kindly comment on your experiences with practising 21 days of strictly telling the truth. What have you learned from it? Do you feel constrained or liberated?

Photo credit: The 8 Rule of Truth Bullies. By Kid Mercury

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