Sunday 10 March 2013


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Wisdom Nugget :"And as soon as he came near the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, Moses' anger burned hot, and he threw the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain."

We have earlier said that Anger is one word short of Danger; and one of the Dangers of uncontrolled anger is the words we speak in the heat of provocation. Words are spirit, and either life or death. Now spirits either help or they haunt you (depending on whether they are good or bad spirits) and every time we speak we release spirits into people's lives and years after we have spoken, those words are still helping them or haunting them, and some words never go away until the people die. This wise saying spells out the Rule of the game: "...let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.

A furious father in a moment of rage and anger called Jude, his four-year-old son, a goat because the boy had misbehaved. This name-calling continued several times, for about six months. Then, one morning a visitor knocked on their door and was welcomed by the young Jude. “Hello my boy, what’s your name?” asked the visitor.
“My name is Goat,” answered Jude.
“No, no, no, your name is not goat,” protested the visitor. Just then Jude’s father came into the living room.
“Daddy I told just told Uncle that my name is Goat but he wouldn’t believe me,” Jude told his father with a glee.
“Shut up! How can you say that your name is goat?” queried his father.
“But father isn’t that the name you've always called me in this house?” Jude replied…

Today, ask yourself, as a friend, a teacher, a parent, a colleague, an elder brother or a spouse,how have your angry words affected people? Do your words haunt them like "Dracula", or are they motivational like "Yes you can"?

Donald Trump once told the very touching story of a young boy he met on a Prison visit who said to him "I am what my father always said I would be. Every time my father was angry with me he always said " John you will end up in prison, and today I have." And feeling very sorry for him Donald Trump said to the boy, "Interestingly, I too am what my father always used to say I would become. My father always used to say to me "Son you will be a millionaire" and today I am."
Getting angry can sometimes be like leaping into a wonderfully responsive sports car, gunning the motor, taking off at high speed and then discovering the brakes are out of order.

You may feel very much justified in your outbursts of anger, but be careful what you break (say). While you may obtain forgiveness, a person's life may never be the same again.


  1. pastor thanks for everything, and the post is blessing me

    1. Glad to hear that you were blessed. Keep coming back for more.

  2. And you too, Joseph. Keep reading our posts. Thank you for your kind comments.


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