Friday 2 January 2015


"Anything in life worth having, takes work." - Unknown

Another Chance II
Archie is so excited it's another New Year. It's time for planning. It's time to think of things to do - resolutions, you call them - a fancy word for goals, that people make a list of to help uplift their souls. With resolutions, one can leave the past behind; and put aside mistakes for greater success. Archie loved to think ahead; but somehow as each year went by, his goals slipped from his mind. He did just what he planned, but as the time zoomed on, his resolutions failed - he made too many, some too hard to achieve. Then he forgot because he lost his goal sheet too. This year would be different. He didn't want to fail, he'd prevail this time. He set his mind to making resolutions he would keep. This year he'll chose a few - the very important ones. He'd post them where they would always be seen. He made a form, wrote his goals, and taped it to his bathroom mirror, so he'd never lose it. Each time he looks into the mirror, his goals will always be there to read.

Someone said, if you continue to do the same things, you'll continue to get the same results - whether good or bad. Yes, it's another new year, are you amongst those who achieved their goals completely, partially or not at all? Whatever category you belong understand that there's ALWAYS room for improvement. Why don't you try tweaking your
methods differently and be dogged enough to follow your plans through. It's your life and it's in your hands.

Now you can make your goals the way Archie does too - works like miracles. Write out a few good goals for the New Year. Put them somewhere, so you can see them daily. Consciously and deliberately work them. Fail at them, but try, try and try again. Someone said, if you haven't failed at anything, then you haven't really lived. Don't set out to be perfect, try to get better and the little better strides will make you perfect in no time. Remember to trust God to help you through it all, and keep at it.

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