Sunday 18 January 2015


"If you want to make enemies, try to change something." - Woodrow Wilson

Change Within
When Susan Boyle stepped on the stage of, Britain’s Got Talent, eyes rolled. People laughed. Many made fun of her because her appearance didn't bear any semblance of the glitz or glamour they expected. As she began to sing, mindsets were changed, new impressions were made. Why? She had an amazing voice that was perfection to their ears. The rolling eyes evolved to stunned looks of awe and amazement at this incredibly talented lady. She had something to offer after all. The resounding applause that followed her performance, proved she had what it took to be a star. Her talent was on the inside.

God looks at what we’re all about; by what’s on our insides. He doesn’t care if we have lustrous hair, or no hair at all, He loves us just the way we are. God doesn’t care if our eye lashes are long and full of volume. God loves us just the way we are. He's least concerned whether we're chauffeur driven in a Limousine, or if we take the bus or walk to church - He loves us just the way we are - with the vast resources we have on our inside. Susan would have had people discourage her, and tried as much as making her to doubt herself. In her myriad of feelings, she mustered courage and went ahead.

You will have come to a point where friends abandon you, because of your decision to break off from your comfort zone and dare to soar. Their attitudes toward you begin to tilt towards the negative. It's okay for friends to become your enemies in your bid to fulfill purpose, but it's a disaster to allow friends remain while you let go of purpose. A new you is emerging in 2015. Dare to stick to God's standards. It's time to jettison that mediocre company and run with the great vision you've been given. A positive mindset will take you places quicker. It's all from within.

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