Wednesday 21 January 2015


"No person was ever honoured for what he received. Honour has been the reward for what he gave." - Calvin Coolidge 

An old lady, grey haired, crouching and bent over with age, clutching a walking stick was tried to cross the street. Standing close the part that had the "Zebra crossing" sign on it. Naturally, whenever someone steps on the sign a motorist is supposed to stop and allow that person person cross. She tried repeatedly, but instead of stopping, motorists sped on. Finally, one motorist stopped to allow her through. Midway across the road, she stops, and start dancing. Doing back flips and moon walking in front of the vehicle. Alas! She wasn't an old lady after all. She'd been made-up. An organization went into town to reward those who obeyed road signs. Every driver that stopped was given a medal and a sticker of honour.

Have you ever heard the statement, "Teachers will have their reward in heaven?" I'm sure most people have, but my question is "Why can't they be rewarded now?" I have come to notice a reward system - that I feel is strongly flawed. It doesn't

give people reason to continue on a certain path of righteousness. I think it is wrong to only have a system to punish offenders, leaving nothing for the obedient. Instead of refusing to do evil, people should choose to do good for the reward attached.

From the story of the prodigal son. I feel the obedient son and brother had a case. I have a problem with the father, as a matter of fact. The obedient son, had been diligent, obedient and faithful to his father, yet, he was never rewarded. No, that system is faulty. I propose the creation of a reward system that allows good deeds to be recognized and rewarded. It will encourage good people to get better, and better people to become the best they can be. I believe such a system will cause the naturally disobedient to have a rethink. Don't you think?

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