Saturday 19 September 2015


"The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion is not assurance of its truth." - Pierre Bayle 

Have you ever observe the difference between passengers who hold confirmed tickets and those who are on standby, at the airport sometimes? Those with confirmed tickets, read newspapers, chat with friends or sleep. While those on standby hang around the ticket counter, and pace back and forth - the difference between these two, is the confidence factor.

If you knew that in fifteen minutes you would stand before the Holy God, what would your reaction be? After John Wesley had been preaching for some time, someone asked him, "Are you sure, Mr. Wesley, of your salvation?" "Well," he answered, "Jesus Christ died for the whole world." "Yes, we all believe that; but are you sure that you are saved?" Wesley replied that he was sure that provision had been made for his salvation. "But are you sure, Wesley, that you are saved?" That question went like a dart to his heart; he had no rest until it was settled. Latimer wrote Ridley once that when he was settled and steadfast about his own salvation he

was as bold as a lion.

In your walk and work with Christ how sure are you? If you really want to please God, how sure all those decisions you've made and are planning to make are from him? We don't know when we'll be called home, but what assurance do you have today that you're on the right side of the fence, rather than on the fence? It would be wise to verify your salvation today, and be sure before it's too late. How bold are you?

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