Monday 7 September 2015


"Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain." - Joseph Campbell 

We have been looking through the pain of a man, Brian Boyle and his determination - in the face of destroyed hope, and how he rose from the ashes of his pain - to become a STAR, in his own rights that he is today. Surviving the kind of accident he suffered, takes God, but much more a determination on his part. Determination to kick, even when all strength was gone.

Many times, people die out of lost hope, not necessarily from their pain. The will to do anything is a strong one, that even God doesn't seem to have control over. Else, he would've stopped Adam and Eve from eating the fruit, or the people from building the tower of Babel, during Nimrod's

time. Boyle, can testify that, 'the pain wasn't' easy but it was worth it. Find that joy, inside you, let it burn out the pain.

The point of this analysis today is simple: it's up to you, to succeed or fail. The power lies in you. How? Just DECIDE to. We give God tools with which to keep us, when we decide to stay strong, even though we literally feel weak. Or when you decide to be truthful even though you're being discriminated against. Your present challenges, might be unbearable, decide to hold on, an you'll discover that it was worth it. You're not a LOSER!

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